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The final field meeting of the Dumfries & Galloway Grey Daggers Moth Group took place on Saturday 8th October 2010. From a single Robinson MV and 5 Heath traps situated in this ancient broadleaved woodland, the highlights were one of each of the following: Red Sword-grass, Dark Sword-grass, Dark Chestnut and Copper Underwing. Two specimens of The Satellite were trapped, one with the full white centre in the kidney-marks and one without, along with a couple of The Brick and two Merveille du Jour. Among the usual late autumn species were fifteen Feathered Thorns, 32 of The Chestnut, Red-Line and Yellow-Line Quakers, Red-green Carpets and six unidentified Eperrita agg. The two Brimstone Moths caught were two days later than previously known, as was the worn Green Carpet, which was 15 days later than previously known (23 Sep). A number of micros are yet to be verified, but the buff Oecophoridae with the dark lines was Agonopterix umbellana, and Scrobipalpa costella, a gelechid, was identified. Many thanks to Richard, Barbara, Jackie and Anna and the rest of the Grey Daggers.

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