Where do I send my records?
Please submit any moth records to the County Moth Recorder, Alastair Sommerville. Email: mothrecorder@dgmoths.info
Please submit any butterfly records to the County Butterfly Recorder, Paul Kirkland. Email: dumfriesbutterflyrecorder@gmail.com
See also the Submitting Records page for more details.
How do I get help with identification?
There are a number of on-line groups which provide support.
Scottish Moths Group is an on-line group which provides help from top Scottish experts.
The garden moth scheme has a facebook group dedicated to helping with ID, visit the website to find out more.
If submitting records for which ID has been given by experts from these groups please record this in the determiner column on the form
Your County recorder is always keen to help.
Why are my recent records not showing on the map?
Maps are not undated in real time, there is a considerable lag as records need to be verified, collected, approved before updating can occur. We aim to update the maps on a regular basis.