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49.020 (BF974)

Heather Twist   

Argyrotaenia ljungiana
Adult: 2
Resident. Local.

Life cycle

Larvae: June, September, initially feeding gregariously, skeletonising the underside of a leaf along the midrib, then feeding singly in spun leaves.  Adults: April-May, June-August.  Two broods up as far as N. England but single-brooded here in Scotland, the adults flying April-June.

Larval foodplants

Many plants especially heathers (Calluna, Erica spp), Bog Myrtle or Vaccinium species (Blaeberry, Cranberry, Cowberry), also conifers.


The first for Dumfries & Galloway was found at Lochar, Dumfriesshire, on 18th June 1977, while the first for Kirkcudbrightshire was found at Kirkconnell Flow NNR on 25th May 1978, both by Sir Arthur Duncan, with both specimens at National Museums Scotland.

9 record(s) from 5 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2018 2015 2018
49.020 Argyrotaenia Ljungiana
49.020 Argyrotaenia Ljungiana

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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