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70.029 (BF1682)


Timandra comae
Adult: 1
Resident(?), migrant(?), rare. UK BAP Priority Species. Widespread in most of England and Wales except northern England with a few scattered records for Scotland (except for many records of migrants from Orkney and Shetland).



Life cycle

One generation. Overwinters as a larva during July to April, with pupation in plant debris on the ground.

Larval foodplants

Larvae feed on various members of the dock family.


A wide variety of damp places with herb-rich vegetation.


The first possible record for Dumfries and Galloway was for VC72 from Lockerbie but the record lacks a specific date (between 1930-1981) or other details.  The first confirmed record was from VC73 in 2007 at Woodend, south-east of Dalbeattie with a second record from Auchencairn in the same year, both possible migrants.

2 record(s) from 1 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2007

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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