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72.031 (BF2069)


Tyria jacobaeae
Adult: 1
Resident. Common. UK BAP Priority Species.



Life cycle

Overwinters in a flimsy cocoon just below the surface as a pupa. The larvae occur during July and August, being black and yellow striped and are to be found on Common Ragwort in abundance.

Larval foodplants

Common Ragwort, other ragworts and groundsel.


Grazed grassland, especially on the coast.

History 1860-2010

Gordon (1913) found this a rare moth having only taken five around the Corsemalzie area, Wigtownshire.

Cunningham (1947) in the ‘Transactions’ stated it was not uncommon during 1945-47 at Southerness (VC73). During the 1970s it even managed to come to the Rothamsted station at Bridge of Dee on five occasions.

Since the 1980s onwards with progressively more recorders, this day-flying moth which also comes to light, has been found to be widespread across the region.

The adult Cinnabar is poisonous to birds; this actually comes via the caterpillar feeding on Common Ragwort. This plant is also poisonous to horses and landowners are obliged by law to remove this plant where horses are liable to graze.

1139 record(s) from 68 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2022 2022 2022

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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