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70.305 (BF1669)

Common Emerald   

Hemithea aestivaria
Adult: 2
Resident, scarce, widespread. Widely distributed over southern England and Wales with scattered records spreading to northern England and Dumfries and Galloway.


The pointed forewings with chequered fringes and wavy cross-lines with a single projection on the hindwing are diagnostic.

Recording method

Comes to light.

Life cycle

One generation. Overwinters as a small larva during July to early June, with pupation taking place among the leaves of the foodplant.

Larval foodplants

Larvae feed on Hawthorn, Blackthorn and other woody plants.


Woodland, scrub and hedgerows.


First record for Dumfries and Galloway was as recent as 1977 for VC73 at Mabie Forest by Stewart, also in 1977 for VC72 in Dumfries by Stewart and 2006 for VC74 in Forest Moor by A W Ewing.

121 record(s) from 23 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2018 2022 2022

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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