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63.044 (BF1403)

Vagrant China-mark   

Diasemiopsis ramburialis
Adult: 2
Immigrant. Rare.


It is easily confused with Diasemia reticularis and care should be taken when identifying either species.

Recording method

Attracted to light.

Flight period


Larval foodplants

Not know to breed in the UK. Breeds on Water Fern (Azolla filiculoides) and other water plants on the continent.


Mostly coastal in the UK, but could turn up anywhere.


The second for Scotland and the first for Dumfries & Galloway was trapped at Milton, Kirkcudbrightshire, on 4th October 2011, the first being found at Aberfoyle, Perthshire, in 1987. No records from Dumfriesshire or Wigtownshire.

1 record(s) from 1 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2011

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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