Very distinctive with the reddish-flush near the apex on the cold grey forewings and dark crossband.
Recording method
Adult easily disturbed on hot days from moorland vegetation, comes readily to light.
Life cycle
One generation. Overwinters as an egg. Larvae are present late April to June, with pupation among plant debris from a cocoon.
Larval foodplants
Larvae feed on the flowers and leaves of Bilberry, Cowberry and Cranberry.
Damp moorland, heathland and bogs.
First recorded for Dumfries and Galloway in 1858 for VC72 near Moffat by Somerville, in 1898 for VC74 at Garheugh, Luce Bay by Gordon who found it ‘not uncommon on the moors’ and in 1971 for VC73 at Kirkconnell Flow by Duncan.