The greyish forewing with a black streak at the base and a short diagonal one nearby is diagnostic.
Recording Method.
Attracted to light, also comes to sugar and flowers.
Life cycle
One generation. Overwinters as an egg which is laid on twigs of the foodplant. Larvae are present April to June with pupation taking place close to the ground.
Larval foodplants
Larvae feed on Grey willow, other willows and Aspen.
A wide variety of damp habitats.
First record for the Region was in 1951 when seven were trapped between 16th August and 4th September at Tynron (Duncan & Cunningham 1952).
During 1975-93 six of the seven Rothamsted stations, Caerlaverock being the exception, recorded about sixty records.
From 1994 to 2010 there were six sites where it was recorded in Kirkcudbrightshire: Rockcliffe, Glen Trool, Cally Woods, Wood of Cree, Old Torr and Auchencairn, with just a single record from each of the first four, one record from Wigtownshire at Torrs Warren, and the rest of the total of seventy records, all coming from Dumfriesshire, mainly Durisdeer in the north.