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49.103 (BF932)

Large Saltmarsh Conch   

Phalonidia affinitana
Adult: 2
Resident. Local.

Life cycle

Larvae: July-March, initially on the flowers then the larva bores down the stem into the rootstock where it overwinters.  Adults: May-August.

Larval foodplants

Sea Aster.


The first for Dumfries & Galloway was found at the Needles Eye, near Caulkerbush, Kirkcudbrightshire, when Sea Aster plants were taken on 27th December 1970 and the specimens bred on, emerging in July 1971, while the first for Dumfriesshire was found on Priestside Merse, Powfoot, on 16th July 2012.

13 record(s) from 6 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2022 2022
49.103 Phalonidia Affinitana
49.103 Phalonidia Affinitana
49.103 Phalonidia Affinitana

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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