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62.029 (BF1452)

Dotted Oak Knot-horn   

Phycita roborella
Adult: 1
Resident. Rare.


Distinctive dark red, black and grey markings.

Recording Method

Attracted to light and sugar.

Flight period


Larval foodplants

Usually Oaks (Quercus spp.) but also recorded on Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris), Pear (Pyrus communis)and Hazel (Corylus avellana).




The first for Dumfries & Galloway was found in “Galloway” during 1983, while the first for Dumfriesshire was of one that came to MV light at Kirkton on 18th July July 2014 and verified by K. P. Bland. No records from Wigtownshire.

8 record(s) from 4 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2021 2022
62.029 Phycita Roborella
62.029 Phycita Roborella
62.029 Phycita Roborella

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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