It is quite possible that this species is being overlooked in this region as worn examples can appear very similar to the Engrailed and Small Engrailed. The much straighter costa and more pointed forewing apices of cinctaria should support identification, despite the condition of the specimens being worn.
Sub-species bowesi is generally whiter and greyer than the nominate race and is likely to be the only form found in Dumfries & Galloway.
Specimen or quality photo required for record acceptance.
Recording method
Adult moths can be found resting on tree trunks during the day, comes to light.
Life cycle
One generation. It overwinters as a pupa, in plant debris just below the surface. Larvae are present late May to early August.
Larval foodplants
Larvae feed on birches, heathers, Blaeberry and Bog Myrtle.
Damp heathland and bogs.
First recorded for Dumfries and Galloway for VC72 in 1946 at Lochar Moss by Cunningham, in 1961 for VC73 in Glen Trool Forest by Shaw and in 1976 for VC74 at the Penninghame House Rothamsted light trap.