Very variable in colour and markings as the photos display. This species lacks a black dot at the trailing corner of the forewing which Bordered Straw and Eastern Bordered Straw both have. This species also has a broad black band on the hindwing.
Recording Method.
Attracted to light, also comes to sugar.
Life cycle
Generally arrives here late summer and early autumn.
Larval foodplants
Yellow-rattle and Scarlet Geranium abroad.
Mainly seen on coasts but during invasion years also occurs inland.
There was an invasion of this migrant moth in 1996 when over 300 were recorded in Britain, with records on five nights in Dumfries & Galloway.
The first arrived on 21st September at Kirkton, with two more moths the following night there. Another, sometime in September, was trapped on Forest Moor, Wigtownshire.
On 2nd October three were trapped at Kirkton, followed by a single on the 30th, also at Kirkton.
One was trapped at Abbey Burn Foot on 6th August 2003.