Care required to separate from the rarer Phoenix and the spring occurring Water Carpet. Compared to those species the cross-band is of a different shape and on insulata it is broken.
Recording method
Readily disturbed from willowherb during the day, comes to light and sugar.
Life cycle
Two generations. Overwinters as a pupa. Larvae are present late June to late July, again, late August to September.
Larval foodplants
Willowherbs and Enchanter’s-nightshade.
Mainly woodland rides, but wherever the foodplant grows.
First recorded for Dumfries and Galloway in 1892 for VC72 at Terregles by Lennon who noted that it was ‘not common’, in 1910 for VC74 at Corsemalzie by Gordon but not until 1943 for VC72 at Closeburn by Smith.
In the form insulata (Haworth, 1809) the dark central band is interrupted by two white lines. It was first noted at Kirkland (VC72) on 31st May 2010, with further records from Dumfriesshire, noted at Courance. There is one record from VC73 and that occurred at East Barcloy on 21st June 2010.