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70.038 (BF1716)


Rhodometra sacraria
Adult: 1
Migrant, scarce, widespread. Abundant migrant in England and Wales with scattered records throughout Scotland.

See also Moth of the Week (28/09/2019)


The delta wing position with plain colour and an inverted V across the wings makes it readily identifiable. The obliques stripe that runs across the wing to the apex can vary in colour, as can the forewing colour.

Life cycle

Breeds continuously in southern Europe and North Africa. Unable to overwinter. It has twice been recorded in late June and once in early July, otherwise August to October is its main flight period.

Larval foodplants



Open sunny places with warmth.


The first record for Dumfries and Galloway was for VC73 in 1973 at Gatehouse of Fleet in the Rothamsted moth trap.  The first record for VC74 was in 1983 for Torrs Warren by Duncan and for VC72 at Kirkton in 1992 by Richard Mearns.

88 record(s) from 24 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2006 2022 2022
70.038 Vestal
70.038 Vestal
70.038 Vestal
70.038 Vestal
70.038 Vestal
70.038 Vestal70.038 Vestal70.038 Vestal70.038 Vestal70.038 Vestal

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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