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70.063 (BF1740)

Galium Carpet   

Epirrhoe galiata
Adult: 2
Resident, scarce, local. UK BAP Priority Species. Found locally on calcareous and coastal grasslands in England and Wales. Scattered records in southern and Highland Scotland. Steep long-term declines in its distribution and abundance.


The leading edge of the forewing being slightly concave is diagnostic for this geometrid.

Life cycle

One generation. It overwinters as a pupa. Larvae present June and July.

Larval foodplants

Heath Bedstraw, Hedge Bedstraw and Lady’s Bedstraw.


Primarily restricted to calcareous and coastal slopes where bedstraws Galium, the larval foodplants, are common, but also recorded on some inland grassland.


First recorded in Dumfries and Galloway in VC72 at Glen Mills, Dumfries by Lennon who stated that it was ‘not common’, in VC74 in 1895 at Corsemalzie by Gordon who found it ‘scarce, taken singularly’  and for VC72 at Tynron by Duncan.

40 record(s) from 18 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2022 2022 2009

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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