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Anna White caught a migrant Crambidae from the tropics, 1404 Spoladea recurvalis on 1st October 2011 at Milton (VC73). The first for Britain was caught in Surrey on 5th September 1951, with the UK Moths web site stating a dozen occurrences in Britain by this date. The East of Scotland web site has one record for Scotland, which was found on 30th October 2009 in Ayrshire. There have also been a number of reports of migration with Vestal’s and Silver Y’s being seen. The second new migrant Crambidae for the week was also caught at Milton by Anna on the 4th October 2011, namely, 1403 Diasemiopsis ramburialis, which is also a second for Scotland as with the first moth. The first was found at Aberfoyle, Perthshire, in 1987.

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