Recording method
Comes to light
Life cycle
Larvae: May-July in folded or spun leaves. Adults: July-September.
Larval foodplants
Herbaceous plants including Meadowsweet, Wild Strawberry, Water Avens, Wood Avens, Common Rock-rose, Potentilla spp (Tormentil, cinquefoils, Silverweed etc) and Salad Burnet. Also Field Maple, Rubus species (Bramble etc) and willow species.
The first for Dumfries & Galloway was found at Castlehill in Kirkmahoe parish, Dumfriesshire, on 21st September 1970 by Sir Arthur Duncan, the specimen now at National Museums Scotland, while the first for Kirkcudbrightshire was found at Cleugh SSSI and Kenmure Holms SSSI on 22nd June 1996 during a Scottish Entomnologists’ meeting. The Wigtownshire first was found at Milton Point on 24th August 2003.