Life cycle
Larvae: April-June, July-October, in spun leaves, often in young shoots, fastening them to the stem. Adults: June-August, September-April.
Larval foodplants
Willow species especially Creeping Willow and Eared Willow. Also White Poplar, Grey Poplar and Bog Myrtle.
The first for Dumfries & Galloway was published in Stephens (1834) with the Rev. William Little recording it at “Loch” (VC72), which is believed to be Lochwood Moss nearby to Raehills, Dumfriesshire, where he resided, while the first for Kirkcudbrightshire was found at Palnackie on 29th May 1965 by E. C. Pelham-Clinton, with the Wigtownshire first being found at Glenluce on 24th April 1954, also by E. C. Pelham-Clinton.