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72.041 (BF2051)

Four-spotted Footman   

Lithosia quadra
Adult: 2
A Nationally Scarce A species but Waring et al. states that there was a large influx in 2006, with smaller influxes during the three preceding years.


Its larger size which is nearly twice the size of any British footmen, precludes any similar species. Only the female has the spots. Specimen or good quality photo required for record acceptance.

Life cycle

One generation July to September.

Larval foodplants

Dog lichen and other lichens and algae on trees and rocks.


Mature broadleaved woodland.

History 1860-2010

The first record for Scotland and Dumfries & Galloway was of one caught at light at Dildawn near Bridge of Dee on 24th July 2004.

The next record occurred on Forest Moor at MV light on 24th July 2006 when two were caught by the same observer.

10 record(s) from 5 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2006 2022 2022

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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