The small size and reddish-brown colouration of the forewing, together with the wavy inner edge of the black line on the hindwing is characteristic.
Recording Method.
Attracted to light, also comes to sugar and flowers.
Life cycle
One generation. Overwinters as a half developed larva, near the ground, during September to May, pupation taking place underground.
Larval foodplants
Common Mallow, Meadowsweet and grasses, whereas in the spring it favours sallows and hawthorns.
Open places such as hedgerows, gardens and sand dunes.
The Least Yellow Underwing did not appear in Moths of Great Britain and Ireland, but has since spread northwards and is now along our southern coast.
The first record came on 11th August 1996 on the Caerlaverock WWT estate (VC72). The next came in 1999, this time in Wigtownshire at Barsalloch Point, with Kirkcudbrightshire getting their first at Brock’s Hole, Rascarrel Bay, the following year.
During 2002-10 it has been found at Meikle Ross, Dundrennan, Castlemuir Point, Mersehead RSPB, Kippford and the Old Torr/Auchencairn area, all VC73.
Wigtownshire records have been recorded from Monreith, Claymoddie, Forest Moor (inland site) and Luce Bay area.
No further records from Dumfriesshire since the first during this period.