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70.023 (BF1689)

Mullein Wave   

Scopula marginepunctata
Adult: 2
Resident, rare, local. UK BAP Priority Species. Dumfries and Galloway has the only Scottish records although it is widespread in coastal areas in England and Wales. Significantly declining.


Very distinctive with fine black markings on creamy forewings. Specimen or quality photo required for record acceptance.

Life cycle

One generation that is later than stated in Waring. Overwinters as a larva during September to May, pupating in loose earth.

Larval foodplants

Larvae feed on Wood Sage, Yarrow, Mugwort and stonecrops.


Mainly coastal, especially rocky shores and grassland.


First recorded in Dumfries and Galloway for VC74 near Monreith, Port William in 1899 by Morton by who took ‘one dark specimen’ in July.  The first record for VC73  was not until 1974 from Gatehouse of Fleet in the Rothamsted moth trap.  Since then the majority of records are from coastal sites in Kirkcudbrightshire.

27 record(s) from 11 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2021 2021
70.023 Mullein Wave
70.023 Mullein Wave
70.023 Mullein Wave

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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