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07.015 (BF140)

Large Long-horn   

Nematopogon swammerdamella
Adult: 2
Resident. Local.

Recording method

Flies late afternoon and dusk.  Comes to light.

Life cycle

Early stages unknown; larva later feeds on dead leaves August-April.  Adults fly April-June.

Larval foodplants

Dead leaves.


Deciduous woodland.


The first for Dumfries & Galloway was found at Beattock, Dumfriesshire, on 29th May 1965 by E. C. Pelham-Clinton, who also found the first for Kirkcudbrightshire at Doach Burn near Palnackie on 30th May 1965, with the Wigtownshire first being found at Glenstockadale on 30th May 2012.

55 record(s) from 25 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2012 2022 2018
7.015 Nematopogon Swammerdamella
7.015 Nematopogon Swammerdamella

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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