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70.251 (BF1930)

Oak Beauty   

Biston strataria
Adult: 1
Resident, scarce, local. Widespread in England and Wales, in Scotland scattered records in the far south and north of the Central Belt to western Highlands.

See also Moth of the Week (29/03/2020)


Unmistakable with the two brown bands across the forewing.

Recording method

Adults sometimes found by day at the base of tree trunks, males come to light.

Life cycle

One generation. Overwinters as a pupa underground. Larvae are present May to July.

Larval foodplants

Alder, Aspen, elms, Hazel, oaks and sallows to name a few.


Mature oak woodland.


First recorded for Dumfries and Galloway not until 1930 for VC72 at Closeburn by Duncan, and 1975 for VC73 at Gatehouse of Fleet in the Rothamsted light trap and 1976 for VC74 at the light trap at Penninghame House.

318 record(s) from 31 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2006 2022 2022
70.251 Oak Beauty
70.251 Oak Beauty
70.251 Oak Beauty
70.251 Oak Beauty
70.251 Oak Beauty70.251 Oak Beauty70.251 Oak Beauty

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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