See also Moth of the Week (01/08/2022)
Recording Method.
Attracted to light, also comes to flowers.
Life cycle
One generation. Overwinters as a larva, hatching around September time. After this period the larvae hide in the sand by day, pupating there from late June.
Larval foodplants
In the period after hibernation larvae have been found on Creeping Willow.
Well vegetated sand-dunes.
W. S. Brocklehurst informed Gordon (1913) that he had taken a few at light at Craigenveoch, in August 1909 and 1910. Evans (1914) in his research of moth migration at Scottish lighthouses received a male and female from D. A. Mowat, keeper at Killantringan Lighthouse, Wigtownshire, which he had caught late August, 1913. Evans also received a female from the same source the following year caught on 18th August.
At Sandhead (VC74) one was found on 23rd June 1972. During 1983-84, Sir Arthur Duncan caught fifteen specimens at Torrs Warren, all of which are at the National Museums Scotland. And in 1987 Bernard Skinner also found three at Sandhead in mid-August. There is further BRC data of it being found at Clayshant and Genoch Mains, which is close to Sandhead.