The pale greyish-straw forewing that is dusted with black along the costa, which is curved, the small size, all serve to identify it. Beware that certain micro-moths look similar, but have much longer palps.
Recording Method.
Attracted to light.
Life cycle
One generation. Overwinters as a larva, which is predatory and omnivorous.
Larval foodplants
Dead or alive invertebrates and the tissues inside Common Reed stems.
There were two records of this moth which is gradually moving north and has also been recorded from the Scottish Borders.
The first record came in 2005 when one was trapped at Glenearly Caravan Park on 7th July. The second was trapped at a joint RSPB/SWT field meeting at Clonyard Loch on 28th June 2010, with the photo verified by Roy Leverton.