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73.221 (BF2268)


Parastichtis suspecta
Adult: 2
Resident. Scarce.


Distinctive though variable colouration.

Recording Method.

Attracted to light, also comes to sugar and flowers.

Life cycle

One generation. Overwinters as an egg. Larvae are present April and May, with pupation taking place underground in a cocoon.

Larval foodplants

Birches and possibly sallows.


Fens, heathland, woodland and moorland with birch scrub.


Lennon (1863) had found it at Dalskairth. J. Garraway informed Gordon (1913) he had taken several at sugar in Castle of Park, Glenluce, in July, 1901.

Sir Arthur Duncan (1909-84) during his lifetime had found it at Closeburn. Archibald Russell (1944) listed it as occurring near Gatehouse of Fleet (VC73) during the years 1942-43.

One was found in 1973 at Loch Ken (BRC data) and ten years later, in the same area at Laurieston one was trapped.
It was another ten years, 1993, when it was trapped at Kirkton and then was annual to 1997 inclusive, with one other record from 2002.

Other sites are Castle Loch, Lochmaben, Carsegown Moss, Bennan Hill near Mossdale, Perchall Loch SSSI and Auchencairn/Old Torr area.

52 record(s) from 18 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 1999 2020 2022

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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