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63.031 (BF1395)

Rusty-dot Pearl   

Udea ferrugalis
Adult: 1


A ferruginous moth with distinct dark spots.

Recording method

Attracted to light.

Flight period

Can occur anytime of the year. Most common from July-September.

Larval foodplants

A wide variety of foodplants.


Most common in coastal habitats but can turn up anywhere.


The first for Dumfries & Galloway was found in Colvend parish, Kirkcudbrightshire, during July 1871 by Francis Buchanan White, while the first for Wigtownshire was found at Sinniness Head on 29th May 1899 by the Gordon brothers, with the Dumfriesshire first being found at Caerlaverock WWT at the Rothamsted station on 17th August 1975.

357 record(s) from 42 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2017 2022 2022
63.031 Udea Ferrugalis, Rusty-dot Pearl
63.031 Udea Ferrugalis, Rusty-dot Pearl
63.031 Udea Ferrugalis, Rusty-dot Pearl
63.031 Udea Ferrugalis, Rusty-dot Pearl63.031 Udea Ferrugalis, Rusty-dot Pearl63.031 Udea Ferrugalis, Rusty-dot Pearl

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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