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72.045 (BF2050)

Common Footman   

Eilema lurideola
Adult: 2
Resident. Common.


Care needed in separating from other ‘footmen.’ The yellow collar adjacent to the head has the middle portion grey. The yellow costal streak also narrows towards the apex.

Life cycle

One generation. Overwinters as a small larva, during August to late May, with pupation in a cocoon formed in a crevice.

Larval foodplants

Lichens and algae growing on trees. Also known to feed on Hawthorn leaves, and possibly other plants.


Most lowland habitats.

History 1860-2010

Douglas Robinson (1870-71) had only one to record which he found at flowers in August, 1870 on Almorness (VC73). Buchanan White of Perth (1895) listed it as occurring in Colvend and Southwick parishes (VC73).

David Cunningham on 31st July 1951 had also found it at Closeburn, it was an addition to the Dumfriesshire list. Sir Arthur Duncan (1909-84) during his lifetime had found it at Tynron and Castlehill, Dumfries (all VC72).

Although five of the seven Rothamsted stations recorded it, Waterside Mains and Mabie Forest recorded many records, with Gatehouse of Fleet, Caerlaverock and Bridge of Dee managing just a handul of records between them. During 1992-2010 Kirkton, Durisdeer (VC72), Mersehead RSPB and Cally Woods (VC73) with regular trapping recorded it many times. It was also recorded from many widespread sites proving it to be very common.

2220 record(s) from 53 hectad(s) in D&G

VC74 VC73 VC72
Last recorded 2022 2022 2022

 UK Moths website - further information on species (with photos)

 East Scotland Butterfly Conservation website - national distribution maps and phenology

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