Both forms occur here with some dark-brown banded forms but with the un-banded form ‘remutata’ being the most frequent. The latter is similar to the Plain Wave, but the distinct kink on the third line is diagnostic.
Life cycle
One generation. Overwinters as a small larva during July to May, with pupation close to the ground in a cocoon.
Larval foodplants
A variety of low-growing herbaceous plants.
A wide range of habitats.
First recorded in Dumfries and Galloway for VC74 near Montreith near Port William by Morton who said it was ‘frequent’ and Gordon (1919) who said ‘was common at woodsides at dusk and rough herbage during the day’. The first for VC72 was in 1932 at Closeburn, south of Thornhill by Duncan and for VC73 in 1942 near Gatehouse of Fleet by Russell.
Records were sparse until the setting-up of the Rothamsted trap network in 1974 when it was trapped on a regular basis.