The whitish-buff wings with the costa arched towards the apex, together with dark central spots on both wings with the second cross-line curving round the forewing spot, all combine to give it a distinctive look.
Life cycle
One generation. Overwinters as a larva during August to May, with pupation taking place in leaf litter.
Larval foodplants
Larval foodplants poorly known.
Can be disturbed during the day from broadleaved woodland, conifer plantations, hedgerows and gardens.
First recorded for Dumfries and Galloway in 1898 at Corsemalzie, west of Wigtown (VC74) by Gordon who said it was ‘abundant along woodsides at dusk’. First reported for VC73 in 1942 from near Gatehouse of Fleet by Russell and for VC72 in 1970 from Closeburn, south of Thornhill by Duncan. During 1974-93 there were four hundred records from all seven Rothamsted moth traps in D&G proving it to be widespread.